Retro-Commissioning | Lighting Choices
You can “change the world” by changing a light bulb.
Lighting accounts for 25 percent of an average home’s electricity bill. Changing a single 75 watt light to a more energy efficient, 20-watt Energy Star bulb or fixture can save your family as much as $60 a year in energy costs. And when you cut your home energy use, you reduce pollution from power plants that make electricity. That’s why replacing that bulb for a more efficient one can be as good for the environment as not driving your car for more than two weeks.
- Accent and Decorated Lighting
- Ambient Lighting
- Light Bulbs
- Decorative Holiday Lighting
- Lighting Controls
- Outdoor Lights
- Task Lighting
Why Should You Consider a Lighting Upgrade?
There are many reasons to consider upgraded lighting in your facility. Below is a list of points to consider when you are deciding whether or not getting a quote for a new lighting system is right for you.
- Know what it is costing you to light your facility
Reduce energy usage in your business
Reduce your operating costs, while maintaining or increasing light quality
Make Sustainable | Renewable | Energy priorities for your business

What are the benefits of Better Lighting?
Aside from energy savings and reduced overhead, clients who are conserving energy also benefit from better light quality, improved safety on site and even increased productivity. We specialize in putting together a custom turnkey lighting system for you. We want you to save energy and meet all the lighting needs of your facility. GPS’s current clients are satisfied by the work of our lighting retrofit contractors and it’s our goal to make sure you are, too.
This project outline flow chart shows you how a typical energy efficient commercial lighting retro-fit goes, from the time you contact us until the project is completed to your satisfaction.