Energy Independence Programs
Energy efficiency is now within your grasp! You can switch to a clean renewable energy for zero money down! Breakthrough programs allow property owners in participating cities and counties the ability to finance the cost of their green power system through a voluntary assessment on their property taxes (Property Accessed Clean Energy – PACE). Innovative programing enables municipalities to create private financing agreements for solar systems through bond financing.
Energy Independence Programs make solar accessible to all:
- Zero money down
- No credit check
- Immediate savings with loan payments lower than your current electric bills
- Available for Residential and Commercial Properties
- Loan repaid through a voluntary assessment to you property taxes
When these solar financing programs are combined with new economic stimulus incentives that cut the cost of your solar system by up to 50%, there has never been a better time to go solar.

Energy Efficiency is now within your grasp!
A Glimmer Of Hope
“At the end of this decade, in the year 1980,” Nixon proposed, “the United States will not be dependent on any other country for the energy we need to provide our jobs, to heat our homes and to keep our transportation moving.”
The fact that we are still talking about this goal nearly 40 years later shows how hard it has been to achieve. But there is reason now to believe that energy security may finally be within reach. Energy production in the U.S. is booming; and recognized cost effective viable choice!