Financial Underwriting Optimize your Organization
Strategy and Technology Consulting to Improve Mission and Business Effectiveness
Support for companies seeking to acquire renewable energy and sustainability projects. Support can include short-listing projects to meet the client’s criteria, initiating discussions to determine interest levels, performing first cut due diligence, negotiating commercial agreements, providing market overview reports on the business context for investment and advisory services on appropriate market rates for projects.
How do local business leaders keep pace with change while ensuring cost efficiency and overall effectiveness? GPS’ management consulting services help you achieve more with less in strategic alignment with your mission and objectives.

Your money. Your Business. Your home. Your kind of Underwriter.
Headquartered in California, Green Power Systems has been providing locally owned and operated renewable energy and sustainability solutions to local neighborhoods since 2001. Our goal is to provide an easy choice to contractors for better, more affordable options. This allows our clients to invest in things that really matter.
Our focus is different. Our focus is YOU.
Solar and car charging are word-of-mouth businesses, so we work hard to strengthen your relationships in every home, business, and area visited.
We always take the time to answer your questions and never make you feel rushed. We have good, honest people that you can really trust. We are your neighbors, and we care about what happens in our towns. But even though our partners are local, GPS is a major national corporation operated by a stable and experienced team.